Monday, December 30, 2013

Yes, there is a farm in New York City + A Positive Kirkus Review of "Mystery At Snake River Bridge"

Logan and Jett at an actual functioning farm in New York City three weeks ago

Hello One and All,

I woke this morning to find a fresh email from Kirkus Reviews of my novel Mystery At Snake River Bridge. The full review is available on their website (amazingly, there were no spoilers), but I'll synopsize here:

"In a acerbic, fine-tuned first-person narrative, Uhlig... keeps       the dynamic taught with a shocking but sensitively handled plot twist.  The Ending takes a hairpin turn that is... moving and unexpected... Uhlig raises the emotional stakes with well-paced glimpses into Kodak's vulnerability and growing self-awareness.  A fast-moving YA mystery novel."

Kodak, by the way, is the protagonist.  The book is inspired by a real-life double murder that took place in Emporia, Kansas, in the mid-1980s.  The characters, however, are original.

So, may I humbly suggest a book for the rest of your winter break?  It's available on Amazon, etc. for around $4.  From this and other reviews, I think it's safe to say you will be entertained.

Happy New Year! 

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